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What would you do if you woke up, surrounded by Aliens?

Writer's picture: jackieskeenliebenberjackieskeenliebenber

"Men Are from Mars and Women Are from Venus". In his book, the author, John Gray, use this phrase to explain the uniqueness and differences between men and women. Was it obscure for him to refer to different planets, or did he have a secret understanding of the world and everyone in it, that we don’t?

It was past midnight, approximately 8 years ago when I woke up to a very strange sound. At first, I couldn’t quite figure out if the sound was coming from inside or outside of the house. Imagine a cat in heat surrounded by two male cats who are verbally warning each other that combat is about to take place. The sound is a strange combination of moaning, screaming, and growling mixed together into one.

Too scared to get out of bed, I decided to wait a while before I investigate. I was quietly praying that the sound would disappear. There was a moment of silence but then the sound came back. This time it was a little louder and clearer.

“MaaahhhaaaaaOmmmeee!”. Now I was convinced that the sound was coming from inside my bedroom. I turned around slowly and reached for my phone on the side table. As I reached out my hand, a cold and slightly damp hand touched my arm.

Within seconds, I managed to switch on the bedside lamp, scream a little and come to the realization that there was a tiny alien standing next to my bed. “MaahhhaaOmy, I don’t feel so good,” it said.

This alien had been following me around since then. Another one joined her a year later. I haven’t been to the toilet by myself for the past 12 years unless I managed to trick them into thinking that something on television is more interesting. These Aliens understand very little and although they learn to speak ‘human’, they still have their own, unique sounds that I think might be part of their native language. The eldest turned into an even stranger alien when she turned 12 years old. It is something out of a horror movie. I have concluded that aliens are called to war when they turn 12 years old. I am not yet sure what they are called to fight for, but with that said, I do not think that they would know either. I imagine the warzone to be a very dark and cold place. Perhaps the boys go to Mars for this, and the girls go to Venus.

I have done plenty of research on these creatures because, for some strange reason, I have this urge to help them find their way in this world. I believe that I woke up to these aliens standing next to my bed, for a reason. Sure, I was scared out of my mind and even though one would imagine that you would get used to it, I still wet myself a little bit when either of them hovers over me in the middle of the night.


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Writer: Jackie Skeen Liebenberg. Oct 2022.


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